Oncology Yoga
Oncology Yoga is a Yoga4Cancer™ evidence based practice to help cancer patients and survivors manage side effects and overall recovery.
Oncology Yoga - YouTube coming soon!
You’ve been cleared for exercise, now what?
As a certified Yoga4Cancer™ instructor, I’m here to help you begin a safe and supportive yoga practice to empower you.
Without proper guidance, yoga-related injuries may happen, especially if you have issues with mobility, lymphedema, or any weight-bearing poses. Finding the right guidance for a safe practice by a well-trained instructor is super important.
Issues like cording, neck and shoulder pain, or neuropathy may make you feel like exercise is the LAST thing you want to do. A yoga practice is a great option to help mitigate side effects and get you moving during or post-treatment.
A few Oncology Yoga benefits:
Strengthen the immune system and the lymphatic function
Reduce cancer-related fatigue and improve sleep quality
Build strength and increase bone density.
Help manage lymphedema and neuropathy
Yoga Props:
Props are utilized throughout the class for support and stability, ensuring we get in and out of postures safely.
What you will need:
2-4 Yoga Blocks. Block substitutes: 2 paper towel rolls, a sturdy stack of books, and a chair.
2 Blankets, or pillows, or a bolster.